Happy Halloween
"When you are a man, sometimes you wear stretchy pants in your room. It's for fun."
Halloween 2010
Halloween 2010
"Más ágil que una tortuga, más fuerte que un ratón, más noble que una lechuga, su escudo es un corazón...
Es el Chapulín Colorado!!"
Halloween 2011
Es el Chapulín Colorado!!"
Halloween 2011
Gabriel the Great!
The Last Great Circus Stongman!
Lifts 4,300 lbs!
Engaged at the Princely Salary of $2,000 per Week!
Halloween 2012
The Last Great Circus Stongman!
Lifts 4,300 lbs!
Engaged at the Princely Salary of $2,000 per Week!
Halloween 2012